How Atlanta Captured the Black Millennial Experience / by Vance Brinkley

Last night’s season finale of Atlanta didn’t try to leave us with a major cliffhanger or crazy ass plot twist that would reel us in for Season 2 (which has already been confirmed). However, the latest episode ended with a humbling moment that mirrors one thing that we can all relate to: progress. Earn’s been through a lot this season. There was a point where no one believed in him, and the only thing he had going was a dead-end airport gig where he was already getting beaten out by an older black woman in the first episode. But, after a season of events that included being in jail, getting Paper Boi on TV, and trying to get paid by shady promoters at a nightclub, Earn has finally “earned” trust from his cousin and his baby mother, while also becoming friends with Darius. The young rap manager has moved up from where he was in the series premiere, and with his progression came an incredible cast of colorful characters that, in some way, mirrored the everyday struggles of young black millennials.

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