Bandcamp Daily

Thug Entrancer’s Cyberpunk Sound by Vance Brinkley

Bandcamp Daily

With an equal love for music hardware, technology, and science fiction, the Denver producer Thug Entrancer has forged an innovative style of house music that recalls cyberpunk classics like Blade Runner or Shadowrun. Although his music is fast-paced—taking some inspiration from Chicago’s juke and footwork scene—the ambience surrounding the high BPMs paints a gloomy picture. That feeling is further illustrated through his videos, with visual art that captures a vision of the future colored in psychedelic shades of black and white.

His music focuses on a distant—and possibly dark—tomorrow, yet Thug Entrancer’s perspective doesn’t feel too far removed from the present. In a country where both technology and cultural tension seems to grow at a rapid pace, the producer wants his music to remain progressive.

We reached out to Thug Entrancer to discuss the transition of his cyberpunk sound, from his debut project Death After Life to his latest release Arcology.

Read the full interview here.